Elizabeth Foos

Director of Foos for Thought, EFoos is one more force in the learning revolution, finding ways to share years in the world as educator, administrator & singular creative mind.


Jamie Hipp

Theater Instructor for the EBR Talented Arts Program & Professional Development facilitator for LA A+ Schools, JHipp directs theater education & performs musical theater with different companies while completing her PhD

in Arts Integration.


Therese Knowles

Visual Arts Instructor at the LSU Lab School and Arts Council Teaching Artist, TKnowles creates opportunities for interdisciplinary self discovery through visual art as she creates mixed media & ceramic pieces of her own for galleries & museums.


Rebecca Acosta

Director of the Dance Department at Baton Rouge High & Associate Director of the BR Ballet, RAcosta leads movement training with connections across the curriculum while choreographing & performing in a professional ballet company.


Music content was developed through collaboration with jazz legend &

teaching artist, John Gray with help from vocal wonder & music director,

Marie Flowers.

Thought Tank Team

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